16 March, 2020

Millennialism Is Pseudoscience

What year does a person have to be born in to qualify as a millennial? Some say it’s from 1985 to 1996; some insist it’s 1980 to 1999; others lobby for 1989 to 2000; while some others beg that it’s anybody born after the year 2000. There’s another creed that classifies births between 1996 to 2008 as generation Z. There are clueless adults who throw the term millennial at teens, toddlers and even infants. There are adolescents who allege being millennials.

Stop and think. Isn’t it obvious that whosoever propagated this hyper-simplistic distinction did that on purpose to create chaos, ambiguity, hate and to ultimately divide people?

There is no clear consensus on what constitutes as a millennial. There is no ordinance from any government or any agency in the world. There is no theological reference, ritual or symbolism. There’s no legal document that can pass a person’s status as millennial or non-millennial. There’s absolutely no scientific proof of this segregation. It’s just a pseudo-scientific concept like zodiac signs and numerology. It’s no different from creating social divisions on the basis of blood groups or as Vinaya Bansal wrote in his article “the concept of millennials is as useless a concept as creating organization structures based on zodiac signs”.

It’s not only divisive but robs people of their individuality. It destroys diversity, individual spirit and harmony. There will always be difference of opinion amongst communities, cultures, generations or for that matter people. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s the branding that adds fuel to fire. It’s the obsessive usage of the word, the endless incantations on social media that escalate the hatred.

How differently do we regard people born in AD 991 from those born in AD 983? Are 991-born called the original millennials? For that matter how differently are people born in 200 BC viewed from those born in AD 700? Nobody even cares when births are several decades or a few centuries apart. Years and years hence, nobody will judge a 1970-born any different from a 1999-born.

There are already many divisions in the world in the form of religion, ethnicity, caste, skin colour, nationality, political views etc. In any argument involving the term millennial, replace millennial with any religion; you’d get the same old propaganda used by politicians and religious cults to control people. We can do without another division.

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