27 February, 2006


Following are the excerpts of my question & answer segment at Yahoo:

Bluffmaster: Should India support USA in its movement against Iran?

Zendog13: No. In fact, the USA should make no move against Iran. If necessary, we should go in with a multinational force and the blessing of the UN. The brutal truth is that our armed forces cannot mount another unilateral campaign. And the fact that ALL of the players are nuclear powers means that we need to really exhaust the efforts of diplomacy — not make believe, like we did leading up to the invasion of Iraq.

Joseph: India is no little child that needs to suckle on America's tit! We are quite capable of taking down Pakistan on our own, we did it without the US three times. Let Iran join the fight for Kashmir, I doubt they have any reason to. Kashmir is an issue that goes back to the time of independence for both the nations (India & Pakistan). India is neither liable to the US nor is its lap dog.

The Indian government has stated that the US need not interfere with intimate Iranian matters of state. The US swiftly acted on that decision as irrational and threatened to stop US investments in India. India has always been a follower of NAM (Non aligned Movement). Which is a safety stand for a developing nation. We get oil form Iran and we have never had bad ties with any Muslim nation other than Pakistan, we want to keep that track record straight. It's easier to do business that way. India should in no way be a subject to bullying and we won't.

Sandislandtim: India should choose its own path, and does not need to align itself with the US on all issues. But India should also understand that its and the US' interests are the same in so many ways. The US government deals with India as a partner and equal; we do not wish to see any sovereign democracy become our "lap dog."A nuclear-armed Iran would be much more dangerous to India than to the US, because Iranian ballistic missiles have the range to hit India but not the US. There is long-simmering resentment in the Muslim world because of perceived repression of Muslims all over India. Then, of course, there is the dispute over Kashmir.The free nations of the world, including both India and the US, should unite in their push to stop the tyrannical theocracy of Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.There are many areas of diplomacy, trade, military matters, etc. in which cooperation between India and the US would be fruitful for both countries.

1 comment

Anonymous said...

I believe India should do what is right for its own future.I think we have to accept that usa is the super power and these two governments in india and pak maintain thier existence bec'z they hav the backing from the west.We need gas and we should take a decision which doesn't affect that deal.And i think this whole bush visit and the nuclear pact being signed is a pre planned drama and all the governments are equally invoved in all this.

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