11 March, 2006

Wanted: Morons For Sify

i. If you loathe your existence.
ii. If you are a sick moron.
iii. If you are an A-grade idiot.
iv. If you specialise in making trivial tasks difficult,

If you satisfy the above criterion, then you are an ideal candidate for a managerial post at Sify Online. The stronger the aptitude, the greater are your chances of climbing up Sify's corporate ladder.

Chronicles of their pathetic service:

1) My Internet account back home expired on 18th February. They haven't renewed it despite getting several reminders well before the expiry date. Apparently they have no intention of making money. Such delays have been persistent for last one year, every time the account expires. Earlier the hold-ups used to last for a week or two; however, this time they have surpassed their own incompetence. Is it really that hard to renew it?

The renewal procedure itself is quite stupid and gratuitously encumbered. What's the point of getting a "pack" renewed every month or a fixed period of time if they are unable to renew it on time? It should be uninterrupted and straightforward, with users liable to pay every month or any fixed period to avoid unnecessary disconnection. Here one has to depend on the local service provider for that. I always make it a point to remind them well in advance to get an uninterrupted Internet service; still those lethargic minds can't react on time. The renewal procedure should be as simple as a mobile phone top-up: just pay-and-go. Here I am ready to pay, but there's no one to accept it.

2) Last month I had asked — in fact reminded them several times — for a six-month renewal pack to avoid monthly disconnections. The bastards still gave me the same one-month pack.

Apart from making several phone calls, I had sent an E-mail to them clearly mentioning the required six-month pack in the subject and the body of the e-mail. Their supervisor replied me by saying they had renewed with the "1-month pack".

3) If that's not enough, there has been a technical glitch at my local service provider's terminal since 9th March. The rascal hasn't done anything about it. His name is Parminder Singh. He is a capable moron — ideally suited for Sify Online. He refuses to answer my calls on his mobile phone and goes underground whenever I have to renew my pack or pay the bill.

Sify Online is too miserable to do the simplest task of renewing an account. I have only one thing to say, "GET A LIFE, BASTARDS!"

Other news:

The last couple of weeks have been very challenging. The carnage is as persistent as it is implicit. The term will conclude on 31st of March. I am taking a hiatus from the blog world until then.

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