30 September, 2005

An Incident

I will share a real-life incident involving my neighbours, which was originally written for Randymania blog Dreams & Brutality.

Two young and diligent girls, working in a pre-eminent software firm, came to the city of beauties, leaving their homes behind, with their minds full of dreams and passion to climb the ladder of success. They found an accommodation near my house. That ruin belongs to some abominable beastly ladies. My family established strong ties with the girls and they started visiting us frequently. The only discussions we had were about work, movies, and other friendly chat — nothing about their landlady.

One afternoon, the girls came home, which was quite unusual on a working day. Their eyes said everything and I knew the inevitable had happened. Finally their landlady, an old Jezebel, had shown her true colours. The stupid old harpy had abused the girls for no apparent reason and had threatened them of dire consequences if they wouldn't vacate their room. The reason was the crooked gorgon wanted to rent that room to a relative of hers.

The girls' behaviour was so flawless that the perverted landlady had no rational reason to turn them out at a short notice. Hence, the mendacious old Jezebel accused them of harassment and vituperation. They, however, reached an accord to vacate the room in two days. Even then the innocent girls chose not to protest, regardless of having the laws in their favour. Within a few hours of the incident, the grumpy old daughter of the landlady started spreading sick gossip against the girls. If that wasn't enough, the youngest perverted daughter of that repugnant ogress — severely suffering from inferiority complex owing to her ugliness and worthlessness — joined the fray and accused them of making a strangulation attempt on her mother; and threatened to lodge a police complaint against them, in case of any delay in their moving out of the house.

They went through all this drama just to get their room vacated, despite that the girls were leaving the house in a day. You all can imagine what those innocent girls must have gone through, being far away from their families, only to come across such violent dunderheads. Didn't the old lady have any compassion for the girls, in spite of being a mother to four daughters? How would she have felt if one of her daughters were treated in that manner? Unfortunately, the crooked lady felt nothing.

Following the showdown, the girls left the house and temporarily moved into a friend's habitat; and meanwhile, arranged another accommodation for themselves — within the "deadly deadline" of two days. On the relocation day, they wisely brought a few of their colleagues with them to collect their belongings from the doomed house. But who could have stopped that cantankerous and obnoxious pack of gorgons! My cousin heard some loud voices outside. The old landlady and her three callous daughters were hurling abuses at them like some immature brats, including her married daughter. As the Godfather would say, "that’s infamita." Standing on the roof, her debauched teenage grandson didn't keep quiet either. That moron looks like "a bent straw in a soft drink's bottle", as Omar Sharif would call him "jhadoo se bichda hua tinka", and "tarbooj ka sada hua beej". My cousin was a mere listener, and couldn't do anything because of the socio-political implications. The silly Jezebels then warned them not to visit my house. My house! Who the hell on the earth are they to stop anyone from visiting my house? I felt like crippling those perverts but my consigliere held me back.

At last, the girls are relieved. They can now concentrate on work and other important aspects of life than those cantankerous and hideous morons. They have now settled in a very amicable environment, with warm and affectionate landlords.

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