28 July, 2016

Manufacturing Consent with AIB

“The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum — even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there’s free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate.” — Noam Chomsky.

This could very well describe the modus operandi of All India Bakchod. They like us to think that they have challenged the fundamentals of free speech. They assert that they are continuously stretching the spectrum of democracy. Media is even comparing Tanmay Bhat to the likes Baba Ambedkar and Nelson Mandela. In reality, All India Bakchod’s spectrum of acceptable opinion is extremely limited. Try criticising them. Try criticising their favourite movies. Try liking the movies they don’t like. You will find out that they are as “tolerant” as Hitler.

They, along with their political sycophants, have an Information Technology department that bullies people who speak out against them. When an actor criticised their road show, they harassed the online trading company he was endorsing by making thousands of purchases and then returning everything. Moreover, they inundated review websites with negative reviews against that company. The company’s stocks plummeted subsequently. Imagine what they do to small businesses and common people. They have thousands of IP addresses at their helm, which allows them to create fake profiles on IMDB to manipulate movie ratings. It is no coincidence that their favourite movies are rated highly and the movies of their enemies get flooded with low scores. IMDB is the best way to manufacture consent from public and they know how to exploit it to their advantage. They create fake profiles on Twitter and other social networking websites. Tanmay Bhat has millions of followers on Twitter, which is strange since he isn’t that well-known. His account has had Twitter’s verification tick-mark for a long time, when even India’s legendary cricketer like Bishan Singh Bedi’s account is still not verified. Does he have links with Dawood Ibrahim or does he have dark secrets of someone really important — (a kinky video of Kamaal R. Khan with some stupid politician)?

All India Bakchod has dictatorial views on what movies we should see and how many children should we have. They tell us what to feel, what to laugh at, what to think and how to think. They practically control every aspect of our lives. They are billed as great intellectuals. But in truth they are narrow-minded idiots. 

Their links with political parties are becoming more and more apparent on Quora.com. Many users there who support BJP and also devotees of All India Bakchod and their crony channels like VFV or TVF. They use subtle indoctrination to manufacture consent. If anyone asks why most of the Indian users on Quora.com support BJP, the responses are as follows:

-Quora users are only intelligent and educated people, hence they love BJP.
-Which implies, only intelligent and educated people support BJP. If you don’t support BJP, you are stupid. 
-Since most of the users support AIB, the implication is that only smart people like AIB.

AIB proclaims to be the voice of India’s youth when more than 99 percent of the youth would not have even heard of their name. This is an extremely effective ploy to get youth vote, since the implication is that if you are young and you don’t support AIB, you are not a part of the cool crowd.

The class divisions have only sharpened since All India Bakchod’s rise in India. If in the past, there were divisions on the basis of religion or caste, now there are divisions in cinema too. The supposed fans of highbrow cinema have a high social status. Getting a government job is not difficult as long as you like Breaking Bad. 

In the past it didn’t matter what they said but now it does. Gone are the days when they were just a bunch of hostile comedians. Now they have branches in cinema, corporations, information technology, media and politics. It is time that Mr. Narendra Modi should clarify as to who is running the country: BJP, Mohan Bhagwat or — heavens save save us —  Tanmay Bhat? Forbes has ranked Narendra Modi as the eighth most powerful man in the world. Tanmay Bhat must be on number seven.

Tanmay Bhat is a sick movie buff who likes controlling what people should watch. There was North Korean dictator, Kim Jong-il, who was also a highbrow movie buff and who liked policing people’s taste in cinema, like Tanmay Bhat. Kim Jong-il arrested people who didn’t have a “good” taste in cinema. He gassed those who watched cinema for entertainment. He abducted a North Korean director and actor to make critically-acclaimed films. Looking at modern Fascists like Karan Johar and Kamaal Rashid Khan, the same patterns are ominous.

17 July, 2016

India Under AIB

Free speech is a two-way street. If you don’t respect the freedom of speech of your dissenters, then you don’t believe in freedom of speech. All India Bakchod (AIB) expects everyone to respect their freedom of speech but they get in a moral outrage whenever anyone disagrees to their views. However, anyone who is calling for the arrest of AIB’s honcho Tanmay Bhat after his gormless video on Lata Mangeshkar is giving him exactly what he wants — sympathy vote. Asking for legal action against such idiotic videos is ridiculous. If the critics want to take him down, they should do it with the most powerful weapon of modern era — criticism. Kill the Fascist bastard with criticism. Slaughter his sick ego by making offensive video on him. Bully him into chronic depression. Slut shame him by uploading his lewd three-some video (with Karan Johar and Kamaal Rashid Khan) online. Make him commit suicide. If nothing works, settle scores in a good old-fashioned fight: crack the fat bastard’s skull in a boxing ring. By crying for his arrest, they have needlessly turned him into a hero. Or is this just another publicity stunt by his closet cronies to promote him? After all, we have seen times and again how certain sections of Indian media and corporations are trying to promote him and his Fascist group.

Tanmay Bhat has the face of a prehistoric man, an unevolved specimen of Great Apes. He is a product of bestiality or incest or a genetic experiment gone horribly wrong. The end result is a morbidly obese dictator masquerading as a clown. He makes fun of people who don’t conform to his diktats but everything is justified under the pretext of “free speech” by his naive apologists and brainless disciples. That’s fair enough. The have the right to ridicule anyone they want. But if we make fun of his obesity or his incestuous family, we are called insensitive. (What else can we expect from his hypocritical supporters?) He abuses, ridicules the elderly but they way he is bloating, he won’t even make it to thirty — a massive heart attack will take care of this burden-on-the-earth. Or if he manages to get old, he will rot in a squalid old-age home, paralysed and demented, neglected by his family, raped by some deranged employees, kicked and pissed on by teenagers and his hideous face nibbled by mice. What a pleasant sight it would be for the connoisseurs of highbrow cinema. The comedians of his ilk would find humour in his misery.

He also is a bonafide paedophile. His tweets about children are disturbing. (I have cropped his ugly picture on purpose.)

In times when people get upset so easily, his hideous remarks are conveniently ignored by intellectuals and mummy bloggers. A person like him should’t be allowed to roam near schools. It’s obvious that he is protected by someone very powerful. He and his AIB cronies prey on young children, which explains why they claim to be representatives of the “youth”. Their love for the youth is disturbing.

Has anyone noticed how most of the comedies like Sarabhai Vs Sarabhai, The Great Indian Comedy Show, The Great Indian Laughter Challenge etc. have been systemically deleted from Youtube? Has anyone noticed how even decent comedies get trashed by media? All this points to the fact that the ruling elite intends to make AIB as the face of Indian cinema and entertainment. Nobody makes good comedies anymore because humour doesn’t get any respect in this country. (Even an intelligent comedy like Matru Ki Bijlee Ka Mandola failed for the same reason.) It’s only to establish AIB’s monopoly in the entertainment industry.

AIB is one of the main reasons behind the class divisions in the society: it typifies the supremacist, imperialist, casteist, racist elite who control everyone by spreading hate and politics of guilt. They give false sense of superiority to their fans by telling them how great they are for watching highbrow movies. Their disciple Darshan Jimmykant is worthless because of such false admiration showered upon him by them. If they really cared for him they would show him the mirror, kick his servile buttocks to make him find a job instead of being a stoned couch potato. For them, watching Bombay Velvet is activism. It is ironic that these bastards wear watches worth thousands of dollars, but they have the nerve to guilt-trip people for watching feel-good cinema. They tell people to embrace austerity and shun larger-than-life movies, yet these sanctimonious pontiffs lead luxurious lives filled with expensive cars, discos and booze; they preach austerity, but they never talk in anything less than crores (ten million); they buy luxury cars just to attend weddings but watching cinema for entertainment is a sin according to these hypocrites. They police people’s taste in cinema, they present themselves as well-cultured, intellectual linguists, yet they thrive on cheap and lame words like chutiyapa and bakchod. It just shows they are boring hypocrites. They preach people to develop shades of grey in their characters since idealism is uncool according to them; they preach that nobody is good or evil but anyone who criticises AIB is declared evil by them and their bhakts. (Aren’t their critics allowed to have shades of grey? Shouldn’t there be a margin for the supposed flaws of their critics?) Their ideologies are full of such grave contradictions and inconsistencies. They have the blessings of media, corporate world, politicians and possibly the underworld. Their worthless brains are infected with leprosy. They call Kamaal Rashid Khan the top film critic and an intellectual. That idiotic assertion itself warrants butchery to death.

Whenever there are talks of peace amongst various faiths or cinematic values, whenever highbrow and lowbrow cinemas try to peacefully coexist, the demagogues like AIB intervene by spewing hateful videos, comments, fake mass-voting on IMDB to thwart peace dialogues. They incite hate through their intentionally flawed reasoning and red-herrings to distract people from the core issues. And their impressionable fans think that watching Slumdog Millionaire will reserve them a spot in heaven or Salman Khan’s films will dispatch them to hell. IMDB is a hub of such rabid fanatics. The brainwashing that goes behind the forums of IMDB would even make Nazis proud. There is a reason why feel-good films (like Shandaar, Matru Ki Bijlee Ka Mandola) from serious directors failed; they were sabotaged by such rabble-rousers who cringe at the very thought of variety and coexistence. If people had the confidence to stand by their choices, nobody would look for AIB’s approval.

Contrary to what people think, Fascism doesn’t manifest as a tentacled monstrosity with posters of Adolf Hitler and placards saying “death to infidels”. Fascism is’t humourless either. In fact, it shows up as your saviour. It reminds you of your highbrow values; it divides you in the name of religion, caste, film connoisseurship etc.; it beats up anyone or anything you feel doesn’t match your values. It doesn’t tell you that its agenda entails militia, bullying, mass imprisonments, censorship, honour killings and gas chambers. 

06 July, 2016

Character Assassinations of AIB’s Bhakts

AIB’s disciples undertake character assassination of those who disagree to their views. Therefore, I will engage in character assassinations of two AIB’s cohorts with pleasure.

Russell Peters — When dunces rule the roost, it’s no coincidence that drug addicts are their followers. The so-called comedian Russell Peters, and a rabid apologist of AIB, is a former drug addict and a drug trafficker. What sick times of moral decadence the modern society must be in when when rabid junkies like him are considered role models and intellectuals. He didn’t kill anyone but he wrecked thousands of innocent lives with drug peddling. But all that is never accounted for. No one has the courage to confront him.

He can make fun of anyone but no one is allowed to criticise him. Russel Peters can drop dead and rot in hell. I am not afraid of him or his Fascist fans. He has the face of a rabid mastiff dog sewn on a human body. He is a cross between a human and a rabid dog.

Any dictator would be proud of him. The ruse of comedy allows him to spread hate with ease. There is nothing wrong with making fun of cultural and religious stereotypes. But it’s the intent that matters the most. Russell Peters’ intent is that of a Fascist, his comments full of hatred and downright contempt. To those who find him harmless, ask yourselves a question: would think the same if he were a Caucasian? There is no way the people would find him funny if he were a white British boy. He would be chastised by the Left and the Right and deemed racist.

He is embarrassed of his Indian ancestry and calls himself an Anglo-Indian. It’s a shame that Indian media and politicians put him on such a high pedestal, just because of his supposedly Indian roots. They call him “one of us” when he clearly considers himself superior to them. The shameless politicians and actors click “selfies” with him, treat him like a God whenever they meet him. Despite his condescending attitude towards India, this hypocrite likes to meddle with India’s internal matters. He criticised Aamir Khan for not liking AIB Roast. However, when his buddy Anupam Kher criticised AIB, he didn’t say a word. It’s obvious that both have common political interests with BJP. But what’s perplexing is BJP’s sycophancy towards him. This bastard gloats about championing equal rights, yet he supports frauds like Baba Ramdev who claim to have a “cure” for homosexuality. 

Like many Fascists, he uses snobbery to sell himself. “If you don’t like Russell Peters, you are not smart” — that’s the killer motto exploited for centuries to spread Fascism. 

Dixon Loda — The second disciple is not a celebrity. He is just an ordinary loser named Dixon Loda. He is in his late thirties, yet he has no job. His biggest achievement in his life is that he watched an entire season of Breaking Bad in a day. He shows pride in doing a great “social service” by watching movies that AIB recommends. That’s fine. He can do whatever he wants but the trouble is that he abuses people who watch Satyamev Jayate. He makes fun of Aamir Khan’s remuneration thereof. Of course, a loser who has never earned a penny in his life is bound to be outraged at that. He has problems with Aamir Khan’s high fees in per episode but he never questions Tanmay Bhat’s income; he has no problems with Russell Peters’ exorbitant earning from his asinine shows.

Media likes to tell us that people who like AIB are better than others. It’s anything but that. This stupid bellyacher, who is an portrayed as an ideal fan of AIB, lived on his wife’s income after marriage. She tried persuading him to work. She took him to counsellors and psychiatrists, but to no avail. When all the modern techniques failed, she hauled him to the desi quack Baba Ramdev but even that couldn’t save this pathetic loser. On top of that, he is an alcoholic and a proud drug addict (like many other bhakts of AIB). After years of struggle, his wife had no choice but to terminate the wedding. Now he is back to his parents’ house, living on their income, popping pills and sniffing cocaine with his like-minded zealots of AIB. His only qualification is that he pretends to like highbrow cinema. That’s all it takes to succeed these days. 

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